FOR $16.25 per student…

FOR $16.25 per student…

Your son will understand and have a new respect for himself, his potential and abilities.

Your son will have the skills to succeed because he understands and applies the disciplines of delayed gratification, boundary setting, and establishing goals.

Your son will have an understanding that his choices today impact his choices or ability to choose tomorrow.

Your son will walk with confidence because he understands the true measure of being a man is not in the number of women he can conquer, but in the ability to conquer himself and love one woman for a life-time.

Your son will have a respect for women of all ages.

Your son will understand and establish his core values. Those values will define the direction of his life.

Your son will have the courage to stand tall and defend his values.

Your son will understand how to be a husband and a father that truly lead his family in safety, power, faithfulness and love.

Your son will not be deceived or pressured into accepting less out of life and love than the very best.

Your daughter will understand that beauty is about the whole person not just the external package.

Your daughter will have the confidence in her abilities that gives her the permission to dream extravagantly.

Your daughter will blossom into womanhood without the scars that many moms carry.

Your daughter will have the confidence to say no to the pressure of the crowd.

Your daughter will hear your heart louder than the voices of media, peers, or hormones.

Your daughter will understand that her value and worth does not lie in her sex.

Your daughter will understand that past choices don’t define her future. Mercy is new each morning.

You daughter will not experience the difficulty of being a teenage mom.

Your child will have the courage to open the closet and face their past and deal with their most frightening secrets.

Your child will learn the importance of forgiveness.

Your child will have a renewed passion for their present and their future.

Your child will be empowered to teach others.

Your child will have the ability to give you healthy grandchildren at the appropriate time.

Your child will realize that being different from the crowd will not make them weaker but stronger.

Your child will understand that their choices matter because they matter.

Your child will understand they have value and worth that no choice and no person can take from them.

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