Pickled Eggs With a Side of Boundaries

I don't know about you, but I am the worst at maintaining a clean fridge. I would love to have one that gleams when you open the door, while fresh smells roll out to meet your awaiting nostrils. Hmmm...that would be nice. However, that is not the situation at my house.

Upon opening the fridge at my house (skip paragraph if you are in your first trimester), you will see numerous colors, smells, and species. It's looks like an experiment that somehow has been forgotten. When you open the crisper, your veggies should be crisp right?! Anyway, try as I may to stop, I seem to keep pushing the leftovers further and further to the back of the fridge until....they become the smell that haunts.

So, I am finally out of my first trimester and ready to attack the beast that is my fridge. I prepare the garbage disposal and park the trash can between the fridge and sink. This is in case the item looks too questionable to even open up and then I must surrender the entire container to the trash can. Of course, my sweet one-year old needs to help Mommy, so I hold her on one hip as I begin the process.

Soon, I have a system working perfectly. I'm talking to my daughter about each container, trying to explain what it originally was (if it's possible). As I was opening an especially potent item, I expressed how disgusted I was with the smell. Then, I glanced at her, still on my hip, but now plugging her nose, saying "Shewwy"!! Hahaha!

You may be thinking, "Gross story. How does this tie into Reality Check?". Bare with me for a moment, and I will walk you through my thought process.

Setting boundaries can be like my unkept fridge. If you have been through Reality Check Inc. programs, you know we talk about the importance of setting healthy relationship boundaries. We talk about location boundaries. Where are places that you will not go (i.e. opposite gender's bedroom, "parking", compromising places, etc.). Where do you draw the line for your physical boundaries? These boundaries are VITAL to your relationship success!

Back to the fridge. Today I cleaned it, went grocery shopping, and filled it with fresh items. Just like the day that YOU decided to set your boundaries. They were fresh, ready to be shared. You were excited about what your future was going to look like because of them. What happens when, like my fridge, we just keep pushing them to the back of our minds or lives? We start to use them less and less, then suddenly the are forgotten and pushed to the back. They are of no use when they aren't being used! What good are pickled eggs (again, I'm pregnant) in my fridge if I don't use them? I got to take it out and use it or my fridge is going to get rare smelling. Right?!

Take time to refresh yourself on your personal relationship boundaries. Perhaps write them down and put them where you can see them daily, as a fresh reminder of the path you've chosen. Don't forget about the boundaries that are going to help change your life, if you only use them.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Katie! That is a great lesson! Can I have permission to use this sometime?
