Lives Changed

It is exciting to begin a program at a new school, but it is more exciting to finish the program. I love the day the Instructors come back into the office and share their “stories of lives changed.” I asked Chad today about a particular student impact card he was sharing with Cassie, here is his story:

“This student sat in the corner all week. Quiet. Hood on his head. Earbuds in, IPod on. Dozing on and off. I would have told you that he had heard nothing that I or the class had discussed all week. It even got to the point that I had to remove the earbud from his ear. He said that he wasn’t listening to it, but he turned it off when the teacher took the IPod. Kind of funny, actually.

When I read his card, I was shocked.

“It made me think Saturday what I was doing and the risks I was taking, so I said ‘NO’.”

I am reminded to never take any student, or their attitude for granted. You may never know the true impact that your words, your presence, or your simply taking the time to say hello is having or will have in a person’s life.

Who’s life are you changing without even being aware and is it a positive change?

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