The Girl in the Silver Shoe

My daughter is 15 months. She has a style of her own. She loves sparkles, shoes and jewelry. Rather than stacking the rings on the play cone, she wears the rings as bracelets for her wrist and ankles. She looks fabulous!

Her favorite thing though is a pair of silver dress shoes that are two sizes too big. The only catch is that she prefers to wear only one of them at a time. She looks so stylish with bed-head, a diaper, and one silver dress shoe popping on and off her foot as she walks.

You may be thinking "Cute, but what does that have to do with me?"

Here's the deal. Just like her, we all have the opportunity to "live outside the box", to live differently than the "norm" that society pushes onto us. Kids are great at this. Spend time with a little one and they'll show you how unique and creative that they are. I encourage each one of you to spend time thinking about how YOU can think differently about your relationships. Don't get me wrong, some people may look at you like you're wearing one dress shoe in Very casual attire, but it's worth it! We need to set ourselves apart from negative behaviors so that we can focus on the positive ones. Be who YOU know YOU need to be, to get to the FUTURE YOU want for YOURSELF!!

Parents, encourage your students to THINK outside the box, to not conform but be uniquely different.

We ALL started out as little creative kids with BIG dreams, UNIQUE vision, and CRAZY ideas of clothes!!

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