In a society where 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 14-19 have an STD (sexually transmitted disease), where 1out of every 3 sexually active people has Chlamydia (leading cause of infertility for men and women)1, where 50% of sexually active youth get HPV (human papilloma virus) the first time they engage in intercourse2, and where sexually active youth suffer depression and are over four times more likely to attempt suicide than their non-active peers1, Reality Check, Inc. is having a profound and positive impact.
Reality Check, Inc.'s mission is to reach youth with scientifically accurate medical information that is helping restore value to every aspect of their lives; physically, emotionally, sexually, and educationally. This is accomplished by helping them understand their own personal value and potential. Reality Check, Inc. teaches character skills necessary to guide individuals in making positive life choices and fosters an environment of support for strengthening families within our society.
• The Institute for Research and Evaluation says Reality Check Inc. has moved 66% of students into what is referred to as the “safety zone” and holding them there year to year. 97% of Reality Check Inc. students are either in the “safety zone” or moving towards the “safety zone”. They are armed with needed support for future challenges, acquire greater protective factors, and are more likely inocoulated against pressures to engage in high risk behaviors.
• Reality Check, Inc. provides programs in 2 area colleges and 34 local schools, for 6th -12th grade students and teachers, reaching approximately 13,672 students, teachers and adults during the 2008-2009 school year. Parent, Business, Marriage and Other programs are also available.
• Reality Check, Inc. is not just local. It is global! Reality Check, Inc. has presented program in five states and six countries (Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, China, India, and Kenya).
Reality Check, Inc. Programs:
• Five age-appropriate level programs based on Choosing the Best material for public and private schools.
• X-Factor Games: Middle School-High School (Five Days of Games with a Purpose teaching Boundary Setting, Goals, Integrity, and Assertiveness.)
• Building Your Life For the Future: Middle School- High School (Skill Development, Integrity, Power of Planning)
• Parent Programs ( Std’s, Parenting Pure and Protected Teens, Youth Brain Research.)
• Life in Focus Series:
- Series 1: Life as a Sex Offender: Older teens and adults.
(Understanding the Law and Choices.)
- Series 2: Every Choice Matters: High School-Singles (Four Couples talk
about Boundaries, Goals, Dealing with Pressures and the Power and Purpose
of Waiting.)
- Series 3: Relationship Rx: Married Adults (Strengthening Marriages)
- Series 4: A Look Back: High School- Adult (Healing Childhood Hurts)
• Youth and the Brain: Middle School-Adult: (Understanding Teens, Communicating Effectively, and Changing Behaviors using Youth Brain Research.)
• At the end of every program, we give the students a blank index card and ask one question, “What impact did this class have on you?” Here is just a SMALL taste of what students around the world have to say about Reality Check Inc programs:
o “This class profoundly impacted my life and the way I look at the world altogether. My mom was pregnant with me when she was 17 and was forced to drop out of high school to raise me. We never had much money, nice clothes, or even a decent house for more than a couple of months. Now (after attending this course) I realize everything she went through and how that affected me and my siblings. I understand now and am committed to not making my kids go through what I did, and not put any girl in the situation my mom was in. Thank you so much for everything.” – Rogers High School
o “it was like you understand us!” – Student in Latur, India
o Reality Check taught me that I have more value and worth than what I sometimes believe. And it’s better to have high self-confidence and be single then low self-confidence and be making mistakes. Also, that everything in life is a choice and it’s MY choice. You can’t go back to make a new beginning but you can start now and make a new end! – Bentonville High School
o “Many campers understood what it meant to be a person of integrity for the first time in their lives.” – Teen Camp, Haikou, China
o “In this class what really impacted me is how many STD’s are out there. I really thought that those things couldn’t happen, at least to me. It made me realize that sex isn’t everything and that actually not having it is for the best, which is why I am promising myself to be abstinent until marriage. I want to have a bright future and tons of different opportunities for life. Before this program, my boyfriend and I were really serious about having sex. After this program, it’s not gonna happen! He can leave me, I’m saving myself. After all, I’m only in the 7thgrade!!! Thanks for coming.” – Lingle Middle School
o "I think that Reality Check, Inc. is the best thing that could ever be taught in schools, or anywhere. I support it 100%. And I don't think it’s making an impact on students, I KNOW it is.” - Lead Hill, AR.
o “Well, I really thought about my life while taking this class. It was a huge WAKE UP on all the STD's that are out there. This was my Reality Check and I think it's a very important class that should continue on to teach others the importance of how your decisions affect your life forever.” – Southwest Junior High
• Here’s what others have to say:
o “I wish I could have heard this when I was young. I craved love and thought giving away sex was gaining love. Keep it up so other young girls will be spared the hurt, confusion, and lost years. Please continue.” -Parent
o “Reality Check, Inc. programs change the classroom climate. When they leave you have students being students and kids being kids again…” – Local Teacher
o "...Based on the attitudinal-survey information that I have received from those students who have participated in the Reality Check program, I am now even more convinced of the value of the program. I look forward to assisting with the implementation of Reality Check in all the middle schools and junior high schools... As a result of that program, our students should be better prepared to make quality judgments relative to their health and sexual decision-making." – Local Superintendent
• For many more student and community comments, log on to
• Reality Check, Inc. will teach 10,000+ teens this year at a cost of $32 per student, which is $4 per student hour. For every $1 invested in programs that address teen self-discipline there is a $6 savings in societal cost.3
• Reality Check, Inc. is helping youth develop Respect and Self-Discipline, which in a study of college students was a better predictor of academic achievement than a number of other variables including SAT scores.
• Reality Check, Inc. is relying on individuals and businesses to continue this important work.
Together we can help our youth build a lifetime of success.
1. Center for Disease Control STD March 2008, 2. CDC 3. “Federal funding for Abstinence Education: A win/win for taxpayers and teens”, NAEA, January 2008
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